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What are the responsibilities of a DUI/DWI lawyer?

Driving under the influence is usually represented as DWI or DUI lawyer. Driving while intoxicated is the full form of DWI. These two abbreviations can be considered as the two sides of the same coin.  Both are one and the same.  Most of the states have strict laws against DUI.

If a person driving a vehicle is stopped by a police officer and if the driver is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol, the police officer may ask him to undergo a sobriety test. The suspicious situation of drunken driving occurs when the drive’s speech is slurred or the drive has a strong odor of liquor or his behavior has a general incoherence.

After Sobriety test or before sobriety test the police officer can ask the driver to undergo a BAC test which determines the level of alcohol in the blood sample.  If it exceeds the permissible limit the driver will be arrested on charges of drunken driving. The necessity of a DUI/DWI lawyer to handle the situation starts from this point onward of the fiscal law.

Consequence of DUI

A person charged with DUI will have to face the severe consequence of undergoing a trial before the appropriate court of law. Only a criminal defense lawyer can help such persons and help them to get out of the case with minimal punishment.

It is the responsibility of the lawyer to safeguard such persons from the wrath of law and get them relieved from court proceedings either by paying some normal fines or some other minimal punishments.

As soon as a person charged under DUI contacts a criminal lawyer he will inform the usual procedures of law and what will be the final result of the law. It can be something like huge penalty, suspension of the driving license or imprisonment for a few months or a combination of some of them.

Services of a DUI lawyer

As an initial step a DUI/DWI lawyer will challenge the arrest and argue with the police authorities to lower the charges leveled against his client. If not successful, their next attempt will be to reduce the probable punishment for the offense. They will also study the facts of the case and see whether there is any loop hole in the legal steps taken by the police officer.

The criminal defense lawyer will be able to guide you properly regarding the answers to be made when the prosecutor asks questions to prove the charges leveled against you. The legal attorney will also give you information about the probable type of sentence for the first DUI offense and repeated offenses coming under the same category.

So when a person is arrested under the charges of DUI, it is better to appoint an estate planning lawyer bowie who has specialized in this field and who has fantastic track record and good reviews from the previous clients. The fees charged by the advocate for defending your case will also have to be taken into account before engaging any legal practitioner for DUI attorney offenses.

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